Sourcespeed Services

Global Distribution System (GDS) Integration Services

-Use our expertise and Proprietary GDS Integration Engine to solve your most complex integration tasks.

Global Distribution Systems provide the majority of the reservations and ticketing transactions for the Airline and Hotel industries. Sometimes known as Automated Reservations Systems (ARS) or Computerized Reservations Systems (CRS), the majority of these systems traces their history back to the original Sabre reservations platform created by American Airlines and IBM which entered service in the early 1960s. Because of the limitations of the systems of that era, the format and structure of the information in the Passenger Name Records (PNRs) was not ideal, with much of the information being stored in unstructured remarks and instruction fields.

50 years later, the largest GDSs (Sabre, SHARES, Amadeus, Galileo, Abacus, etc.) are still restricted by these same structural restrictions. The reason for this is that to facilitate code sharing, training of travel agents on multiple systems, and systems that were spun-off from other systems, these systems all shares their roots in Sabre. this creates the major challenge in modern airline commercial operations: how to pull this unstructured data (along with the structured data) out of the GDS and into systems where they can be manipulated, processed, analyzed, and updated, without paying the GDS for every update to the record. And once those outside processes have been completed, how to update the PNR in the GDS to keep it in sync with the new systems.

This is where GDS Integration comes in. A proper GDS integrator can pull the unstructured and structured data from the GDS, parse and interpret it based on the way each airline uses those unstructured sections of the PNR (and the more structured Ticket data as well), and then process that data based on complex rule sets. A good integrator will also "speak the language" of the GDS, so that it can enter the system as an agent would, to read and update PNRs, place them or remove them from Queues, read and update tickets, etc. The integrator will also bring together the GDS data with data from the website, data from the Frequent Flyer system, and other internal and external data available to the airline. These integration services can support the airlines Web Site, Data Warehouses, Anti-Fraud services, and more.

At Sourcespeed, we have years of experience and a proprietary, high-performance GDS Integration Engine Velocity, that allows us to create complex data extraction tasks, process automation, data warehouse population and more. Our tools allow us to quickly parse the free text from within PNRs to create real data. Our system can interact with the GDS as a user to move PNRs between queues based on rules, add comments, add or remove itinerary data or ticket data, cancel PNRs, notify airline personnel or customers, and more.

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Anti-Fraud System Integration

Airlines, Hotels, Train Systems another travel companies are a frequent target for credit card fraud. Luckily, using the rich data available from reservations, website and loyalty data provides the ability to more accurately detect and eliminate fraud.

Anti-Fraud for Travel Industry companies is diffferent that the common e-commerce or card-present anti-fraud analysis performed in most industries. There is a wealth of additional information contained in a reservation for a flight or a hotel that enables a much more accurate analysis that can be used to catch fraudsters before they ever use your service.

Since the inventory of an Airline or a Hotel is a perishable commodity, it is critical to detect fraud rapidly, so that the reservation can be cancelled and that inventory resold. So, in addition to the savings that your company will reap from reduced chargebacks and reduced fees from your transaction clearing partners, you will also see increased revenue from booking closer to capacity.

Sourcespeed has been active in integrating the various systems that contain the key markers of fraud – The PNR reservation and Ticket, the Frequent Traveler program data and the Website Transaction data – with anti-fraud systems to greatly reduce the level of fraud at every airline where it has been installed.

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Travel Payment Services Integration

Point solutions for adding new payment service providers or alternative payment methods to your travel business.

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